Tiles all around are swap, swap, swap, swapping.

So you better go and stop, stop, stop, stop it!

Go through each zone without fall, fall, fall, falling.

Because there might be someone watching...

This game contains instances of flashing lights.

(Downloadable version recommended)

Updated 23 days ago
PlatformsWindows, HTML5
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(6 total ratings)
GenrePuzzle, Platformer
Made withRPG Maker
TagsPixel Art, RPG Maker, RPG Maker MV, Singleplayer


Swap.zip 81 MB

Install instructions

After extraction, get in the folder and open the file called "Swap".

Development log


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I'm not great at this, but I really, REALLY enjoyed it.

(2 edits) (+1)

thank you for checking my game out!! :D watching your gameplay was really fun, and i'm glad you enjoyed the game enough to keep going at it after dying so much haha. watching people struggle with this game's difficulty makes me feel both "nooo i made it too hard i'm sorry :(" and "yeahhh i managed to make it challenging instead and not boring wooo!! :D".

i'm sorry you found a glitch and had to go back a couple of levels. i've just found out that can happen and it's REALLY rare, but i'll look into it and update the game when i can. and also, your voice for the swap king is pitch perfect HAHA, i love it! you saying "i'm gonna try this one more time" after dying in the final battle, and then immediately winning was also so satisfying haha.

thank you for playing!! <3

(p.s. your final death count was stunted by having to exit and restart your file, i think the real number would've probably landed past 100 sorry LMAO-)


la la la 62 I can't hear you la la la



this part defeated me:((( šŸ˜­

ohhh yeah that's a tricky one haha, sorry!

try using the jump/speed tiles a little before the swappable tiles swap, so you gain a liiitle more time, maybe that'll help?


i tried it... many times... my reflexes are just not enough:((( maybe when i get enough sleep i'll try again lol


good luck!! :D man it's such a conflicting feeling to have so many people struggle with your game, on one hand it makes you sad that you made it too unfair, and on the other it's satisfying in the most evil way possible LMAO


Well, hours ago, I beat this game, no breaks, and also first try on the finale on the last straw! Very fun! I still think there can still be random ones that are very hard to time. but it's so satisfying once you achieved it! Tho there are a lot of deaths on first run. Overall, it's a challenging game, and I think in still just anyways!


i'm really glad you liked it!! :D i think i suffered a bit of tunnel vision as i made the levels and there's some parts that you could definitely call unfairly difficult and random haha. but i'm happy to hear you had fun! i like games that are challenging but make you feel getting better as you go along, it's really satisfying and i wanted to convey that feeling in this.

thank you for playing!! <3


the L turns are the death of me!!! This is so smooth and clever Oxy. Really cool example of sweet and simple but very effective. Everything worked really well, I could not finish it so idk yet if anything happens later on, but I'm excited to find out. I'll keep trying!! I've no concept of how far I am but I've only seen I think two or three save spots so I assume not terribly far. 

This really reminded me of Portal, not only the colors but the mystery and the hovering hint of someone watching from the game description. Portal is one of my fav comfort games.

For me, as a dev, I like to follow what I think of as the Subnautica rule which is give em a few extra beats of air when they think they're drowning. In subnautica there's a secret few extra seconds of air you have as you swim to the surface. There were moments where the engine made it look like I was on the safe ledge and I died. I know that the engine registered me being on the bad tiles before it visually moved me to the next tile, but it felt frustrating. If there was a tiiiiny buffer, even a few frames I think it would feel more fair. 

(2 edits)

thank you!! i wanted to try making something 100% gameplay-focused for once, and ngl i was a bit worried how it'd turn out haha. but i'm pretty proud of the result! just figuring out how the tiles and deaths worked was a head scratcher in & of itself lol. and i totally noticed what you're talking about; you're right on the money, rpg maker just doesn't register the tiles fast enough and i knew it'd be frustrating for players but i legit couldn't come up with a solution. i'll try stuff out and update the game if i find anything that works!

i won't spoil anything, but there's around 30 levels in total and ngl, they do get a bit hard as the game goes on, so no hard feelings if you give up lmao. pro tip: you can't purposefully walk off the path, so instead of waiting for the tiles to appear, try already having the arrow key pressed so you start moving immediately.

thank you for playing and for the feedback!! :D


I got further and am getting better! LOVE the jumping blocks, that's so cool. Felt really fun, haha. 

heyy i really like them too!! i got excited to see them every time i did a test replay LOL, they're fun little guys.

thank you for recommending the game to hawk!!! SUCH a surprise to see he played it, and it was both glorious and frustrating to see him die so many times in that one level HAHA (sucks that he found a bug tho, i'll look into that!). such a nice surprise :>

and i'm glad you finally got to see the ending!! the portal duology are some of my favorite games ever, and while i wasn't directly trying to mimic them, it's a huge compliment that you thought the game resembles their vibes. thank you!! :D


yeah Iā€™m glad he gave it a go too! That boss fight was so cool haha. Idk if he noticed it but I loved how it seemed like the boss pointed in the direction of where the safe zones were. I was impressed at how little he died tbh! He did way better than I did haha. Iā€™m SO bad at quick paced games tho and an comfortable admitting that. He has so many games on his list I too was surprised when he said he was going to play it next haha. 

Itā€™s a good example of challenging but fair. Thereā€™s some games that lean too far in either way. But itā€™s hard to find a balance where for the most part when it doesnā€™t go ur way you donā€™t feel ā€œugh stupid gameā€ you KNOW it was just you and a you need to just try again. That balance and the two toned theme and the jumping is what made me think of portal. Love a good puzzle game with a neat behind the scenes kinda twist! 

(1 edit) (+2)

So, I don't know how you do the tile detection in this game, but if you are using the default event commands, then RPG Maker automatically changes the coordinates of the character to the tile it starts moving to even if they aren't on it yet. This works for jumping too. If you want to consider the player's actual position, you need to use their realX, realY properties, which are accessible through script calls.

Though that's a more advanced topic. I'd advise you to check out the list of script calls for MV/MZ if you want to make these sort of more advanced games. This game has a neat concept!

ohhh, i used the "player touch" trigger to determine the type of the last tile the character is on. maybe that's why it doesn't register unless the movement is finished.

i thought about using coordinates but didn't know how to code it without having to manually write down the coordinates of every swappable tile lol. but i'll look into scripts, i really want to learn how to use them for future games! thank you for the info!! :D